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When filling your mind, be extremely selective. Nourish it with expansive words, thoughts and ideas. That’s how you transform your life.

Manifesting? Really? Does it Even Work?

Yes!! Manifesting is an incredible tool, which will help you achieve anything you want in life. But without action, it won’t get you to your goal. Through deep desire of your goal, saturating your mind with the thoughts and mental pictures of your goal, and putting definite actions into place toward your goal, you can achieve anything you want and truly believe in.

Faith and fear both require you to believe in things you can’t see, and what we focus on grows. So why not choose to believe in and focus on the things you want? You literally have nothing to lose! Whenever those wealth & success blocks rear their (really annoying) heads, notice each in your mind, and then imagine yourself swatting each one away with the thoughts of what you desire instead.

Some might say this is just going into a state of denial, or hocus-pocus, but wealth & success blocks are just old fears, which are ingrained thought patterns that have been holding you back, trying to keep you “safe”. If you really want change, you need to create new and healthy thought habits, which are going to take your wealth & success to the next level.

And don’t get too caught up in the whole timeline of “how”–the how will present itself one step at a time as you go. Your only job is to focus on and allow yourself full faith that you will achieve your goal, and let the rest will flow.

To get you started, go to the Resources Page, and download the free Radical Transformation Manifesting Formula. Note how the 5 steps in the formula have been written as though they are already done–this is very important when manifesting. Your subconscious mind needs to believe it is already done, or it will be something that the mind will always project as a “future” goal, and so that is where it will remain, “in the future”. We want to bring your goal into your present.

Start by taking small action steps, one at a time, and then backing those actions with persistence and determination. We all have been given the gift of imagination, and why do you think that is? We all have incredible and wonderful ideas pop into our minds, why do think that is? It’s time to start using this tool and gift wisely. If you feel there are wealth &success blocks holding you back, and slowing down your manifesting process, try heading to my Programs page to see how it all works, and if working with a coach is for you.

Using the powerful tool of your imagination to manifest your goals is the gateway to your wealth &success!

Shan xx

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