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When filling your mind, be extremely selective. Nourish it with expansive words, thoughts and ideas. That’s how you transform your life.
Clear The Wardrobe Clutter and Make Room for the New!
It’s time to talk about clearing your wardrobe clutter! Clearing the clutter in your wardrobe is a cleansing experience, afterwards, you’re going to feel so much lighter and even freer. Now there will be a part of you that wants to hang onto pieces: “My aunt made me that, I splurged and then never knew how to wear it!”, “It still has its price tag attached, I’ll wear it someday!”, “It’s always been too small for me, but I’ll fit into it one day.” or “What if I throw it out, and I put all the weight back on.”
I’m here to tell you, it’s time to let go. It is time to let go. Your aunt isn’t going to know that you donated the itchy jumper she hand-knitted for you. And if she found out, there would be a part of her that would understand. It’s still brand new? Great, imagine how thrilled the next person will be when they find that little gem at the 2nd hand store you donate it to? And if you should happen to put the weight back on, deal with it then. You’ll want some updates to your wardrobe, and chances are, the size still won’t be quite right anyway, and it will just feel tired and old.
Get rid of it all, even the pieces you’ve never worn. You know that pair of shoes or jeans that every time you look at, your skin sort of crawls at the idea of wearing them, because you just know how uncomfortable you’re going to be all day! Let those ones go too! Hanging onto anything I’ve just mentioned, is like hanging little failures in your wardrobe, reminding you daily of the “mistakes” you’ve made, and that has the power to block you from your future wardrobe goals. No thanks! It’s a new year, and it’s time for a fresh start!
Get rid of it all, even the pieces you’ve never worn. You know that pair of shoes or jeans that every time you look at, your skin sort of crawls at the idea of wearing them, because you just know how uncomfortable you’re going to be all day! Let those ones go too! Hanging onto anything I’ve just mentioned, is like hanging little failures in your wardrobe, reminding you daily of the “mistakes” you’ve made, and that has the power to block you from your future wardrobe goals. No thanks! It’s a new year, and it’s time for a fresh start!
And if you’re feeling a bit unsure about whether to get rid of an item, use my checklist:
- Is it in good condition?
- Does it fit well?
- Is it on trend
If it ticks no to any of these boxes, it’s time for it to go. If you’re not sure whether it’s still on trend, if you’ve had it for 10 years or more, it’s probably ready to be donated. And if you’re really unsure, take a picture in the mirror of yourself wearing it, and ask the opinion of a friend or family member.
Now I will say this last thing–you may get emotional. For some of you, it could even be quite a painful experience. Going through it all, will remind you of the places you have been, and the different occasions you bought the outfits for, some of which may be linked to some sad memories. Your wardrobe is like a little cupboard of dreams because you had a picture in your mind for each piece. But if it brings about feelings of pain or discomfort, it’s probably even more reason to let it go.
So, forgive yourself for those pieces you wore once (or never!) and let go. And once done, place your hands on each bag and say “To the well-worn, thank you for always being there for me, thank you for the good times. And for not-so-worn, thank you for the lessons, and for the joy you will bring the next person.” And then pack it in a car and drop it off at your local 2nd hand store. Don’t let it sit in the garage, or in the corner of your bedroom, take action, and get it off your property.
And some of you may want to sell the clothing, but ask yourself, “What is my intention here?” To make a few dollars over an extended period of time? Or is my intention to clear out the old energy, and make room for the new–right now? If you feel it’s time to make room for the new, and all the excitement, and success it can bring–then I say get it in the car (or bus) and drop it off at your local 2nd hand store–the store will love you for it, and your clothes will have a completely new lease on life!
If you feel you’re really struggling with the concept of clearing your clutter, a professional coach could help you. Try heading to my Programs page to see how it all works, and if working with a coach is for you.
You’ve got this. It’s time to reclaim your power and do it all with style–you are worthy.