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When filling your mind, be extremely selective. Nourish it with expansive words, thoughts and ideas. That’s how you transform your life.

Manifesting? Really? Does it Even Work?

Yes!! Manifesting is an incredible tool, which will help you achieve anything you want in life. But without action, it won’t get you to your goal. Through deep desire of your goal, saturating your mind with the thoughts and mental pictures of your goal, and putting definite actions into place toward your goal, you can achieve anything you want and truly believe in.

Faith and fear both require you to believe in things you can’t see, and what we focus on grows. So why not choose to believe in and focus on the things you want? You literally have nothing to lose! Whenever those wealth & success blocks rear their (really annoying) heads, notice each in your mind, and then imagine yourself swatting each one away with the thoughts of what you desire instead.

Some might say this is just going into a state of denial, or hocus-pocus, but wealth & success blocks are just old fears, which are ingrained thought patterns that have been holding you back, trying to keep you “safe”. If you really want change, you need to create new and healthy thought habits, which are going to take your wealth & success to the next level.

And don’t get too caught up in the whole timeline of “how”–the how will present itself one step at a time as you go. Your only job is to focus on and allow yourself full faith that you will achieve your goal, and let the rest will flow.

To get you started, go to the Resources Page, and download the free Radical Transformation Manifesting Formula. Note how the 5 steps in the formula have been written as though they are already done–this is very important when manifesting. Your subconscious mind needs to believe it is already done, or it will be something that the mind will always project as a “future” goal, and so that is where it will remain, “in the future”. We want to bring your goal into your present.

Start by taking small action steps, one at a time, and then backing those actions with persistence and determination. We all have been given the gift of imagination, and why do you think that is? We all have incredible and wonderful ideas pop into our minds, why do think that is? It’s time to start using this tool and gift wisely. If you feel there are wealth &success blocks holding you back, and slowing down your manifesting process, try heading to my Programs page to see how it all works, and if working with a coach is for you.

Using the powerful tool of your imagination to manifest your goals is the gateway to your wealth &success!

Shan xx

Welcome To

My Blog

When filling your mind, be extremely selective. Nourish it with expansive words, thoughts and ideas. That’s how you transform your life.

Leaning Into Your Manifestations

Manifesting what you want has a few elements to it. Firstly, you need to know what you really want. Then from the tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes, you need to really desire it. You need a plan and to take action (what is my goal, and what is my first step?). You need the use of your imagination and feelings of gratitude (to visualise your goal, and yourself in it). You need to have patience and persistence, so that if your goal doesn’t manifest exactly when you want it to, you will have the perseverance to keep working at, and the patience and deep sense of knowing that it will happen at an appointed time. And lastly, you need to trust that it will happen–I like to think of this as nothing short of blind faith.

And that’s the crux of learning to lean into your manifestations–it’s the ability to trust with all your being, that you WILL achieve your goal, even if*sigh*the Universe’s timeline is a little different to yours. Trust that it is on its way to you already–the Universe has heard your goal, heard your desire. And trust that the Universe is on your side and wants to give you what you desire, because whatever you desire, desires you! Your desire knows that you will make positive change in the world once you receive it.

Trusting is a learned skill, and something you must prime your mind for. The best way to keep the trust going, is to wake up and doing your daily manifesting rituals (go to the Resources page for the free Radical Transformation Manifesting Formula to get you started).As you are doing your visualisations or affirmations, if those pesky thoughts start entering your mind “This stuff doesn’t work” “It’s all a load of…” “This is just a silly fantasy” stop them by replacing them with thoughts that align with your goal.

It might go something like this: You “I can’t wait to buy my beautiful, new home!” Pesky thought: “You’re dreami..” Trust reflex: “I won’t engage. I have a plan, I’m taking the steps, and I know that the Universe is on my side”. Pesky thought: “Okay, you’re actually delusio…”Trust reflex: “I won’t engage. The idea of my goal was placed in my mind for a reason. I am in control of my thoughts. I trust myself, and I trust the Universe completely. ”Pesky thought: “Okay but” Trust reflex: “I won’t engage. This is what I really want, and I’m so grateful that my house is on its way to me, thank you! ”Eventually you should feel a sense of calm and confidence wash over you, as you drown out the pesky thoughts, by saturating your mind with real thoughts of wealth & abundance.

Now this conversation with your pesky thoughts might happen quite often in the beginning, but you will eventually get to a point where your trust and belief in yourself, and your goal, have become so strong and so vivid in your mind, that the pesky thoughts will decrease with time, and lessen in intensity. And just remember, you can achieve anything you truly believe in. So, when thoughts enter your mind, and tell you that you can’t, or shouldn’t pursue your goal, is just old conditioning trying to keep you safe and contained within what it knows. The negative thoughts aren’t “reason”, they’re just self-limiting beliefs and old thought patterns potentially passed down for generations. This is really important to understand, if you’re going to start practising manifesting.

Another important thing to understand is, manifesting becomes hard if instead of “pesky thoughts”, there are actually full-blown wealth & success blocks which are holding you back:  “You’re being greedy”, “You don’t deserve a nice house”, “You’ll have to work yourself to death to buy one”,  “You’re hopeless, you’ll never get it together”, “Who would ever want to use your services?”,  “You’re a bad person for wanting nice things”.  These are deeper beliefs which can be cleared over time through affirmations, but they are cleared far more quickly and effectively with a professional coach.  If you think you have wealth & success blocks which are holding you back, and stopping you from leaning into your manifestations, try heading to my Programs page to see how it all works, and if working with a coach is for you.

Your idea to start a business, or your grand goal or dream you have for your career, has been put in your imagination for a reason.  Trust yourself, and the source who put it there.  There are great plans for you which await, but only you can embrace them.

It’s time to start leaning into your manifestations.

Shan xx

Welcome To

My Blog

When filling your mind, be extremely selective. Nourish it with expansive words, thoughts and ideas. That’s how you transform your life.

What Are Affirmations, And Do They Work?

YES!! Affirmation’s work. They’re deceptively simple, however, they are a powerful visualisation tool to help you overcome the wealth & success blocks that are holding you back. Everything said out loud, or in our thoughts stimulates a part of the brain called the Reticular Activating System or RAS.

It has been proven, that words or statements that we say to ourselves repeatedly, become a part of our identity, because anything we say over and over to ourselves, creates neural pathways in the brain. And once we understand this, we can actually redirect these pathways, and create new, and more positive ones.

Wealth & success blocks are negative neural pathways in the brain, which are old, engrained habits and self-limiting beliefs, that create thoughts and feelings such as fear, self-doubt and even resignation. These thoughts and feelings can stop you from taking action, or cause you to take actions, which are not in harmony with your goals and desires, blocking you from achieving the wealth & success you desire, and yes–deserve…

**A side note on desire-wanting nice things, does not make you a bad or greedy person. Abundance is your birth right, and any thoughts or people who tell you otherwise, are just imposing their limiting beliefs on to you. If guilt arrives, put it all in perspective by thinking of how much good your goals could bring into the world, and think of all of the good that you would do with all of the abundance that you receive once you’ve achieved them!

Right. Now that we’ve got that out the way

…Neuroscience shows that wealth & success blocks can be rewired through the power of affirmations. To get you started, get your free download of 5 Wealth& Success Affirmations to Begin Your Radical Transformation on the Resources page. Repeat the 5 affirmations to yourself every night before you go to bed, and every morning as you wake up, so that you’re ending your day, and starting your day, with positive thoughts and feeling about your wealth, success and self-image. You want to saturate your mind!

The first important element to note when saying affirmations, is they must start with “I am”. Affirmations may not feel realistic in the beginning, but by saying “I am” statements, you are attracting and creating that state of actual being into your life.

The second super-important key to positive affirmations (which not many people mention), is to actually visualise yourself in the state of each one. C lose your eyes, become still, and imagine how you would feel in that state. You want to create clear pictures in your mind. What things would you see? What sounds would you hear? What scents would you smell? What feelings would you feel? The more you bring them to life, the more powerful they will be.

The third important key to positive affirmations, is to note if any resistance or negative statements come us as you say them. When negative thoughts enter your mind, and tell you that you can’t, or shouldn’t pursue your goal, remember it is just old conditioning trying to keep you safe and contained within what it knows. The negative thoughts aren’t “reason”, they’re just self-limiting beliefs and old thought patterns potentially passed down for generations. This is really important to understand if you’re going to start practising affirmations and manifesting. If this happens, just pause a moment, calmly let the negative thought pass, and with gratitude say your positive affirmation again. I say with gratitude, because potentially for the first time in your life, you are becoming aware that these false voices exist, and that you can actually change them to serve you, instead of pull you down.

Go to the Resources page for a free download of 5 Wealth& Success Affirmations to Begin Your Radical Transformation. If you think you have negative statements which have become wealth &success blocks that are holding you back, and stopping you from achieving your goals and affirmations, try heading to my Programs page to see how it all works, and if working with a coach is for you.

With time, these positive affirmations will become your thoughts, and then your thoughts will become your beliefs–and what you believe, you become. As Muhammad Ali once said, “I am the greatest. I said that before I even knew I was.”

Affirmations are deceptively simple, but they WORK. You can achieve anything you truly believe in.

Shan xx

Welcome To

My Blog

When filling your mind, be extremely selective. Nourish it with expansive words, thoughts and ideas. That’s how you transform your life.

Clear The Wardrobe Clutter and Make Room for the New!

It’s time to talk about clearing your wardrobe clutter! Clearing the clutter in your wardrobe is a cleansing experience, afterwards, you’re going to feel so much lighter and even freer. Now there will be a part of you that wants to hang onto pieces: “My aunt made me that, I splurged and then never knew how to wear it!”, “It still has its price tag attached, I’ll wear it someday!”, “It’s always been too small for me, but I’ll fit into it one day.” or “What if I throw it out, and I put all the weight back on.”

I’m here to tell you, it’s time to let go. It is time to let go. Your aunt isn’t going to know that you donated the itchy jumper she hand-knitted for you. And if she found out, there would be a part of her that would understand. It’s still brand new? Great, imagine how thrilled the next person will be when they find that little gem at the 2nd hand store you donate it to? And if you should happen to put the weight back on, deal with it then. You’ll want some updates to your wardrobe, and chances are, the size still won’t be quite right anyway, and it will just feel tired and old.

Get rid of it all, even the pieces you’ve never worn. You know that pair of shoes or jeans that every time you look at, your skin sort of crawls at the idea of wearing them, because you just know how uncomfortable you’re going to be all day! Let those ones go too! Hanging onto anything I’ve just mentioned, is like hanging little failures in your wardrobe, reminding you daily of the “mistakes” you’ve made, and that has the power to block you from your future wardrobe goals. No thanks! It’s a new year, and it’s time for a fresh start!

Get rid of it all, even the pieces you’ve never worn. You know that pair of shoes or jeans that every time you look at, your skin sort of crawls at the idea of wearing them, because you just know how uncomfortable you’re going to be all day! Let those ones go too! Hanging onto anything I’ve just mentioned, is like hanging little failures in your wardrobe, reminding you daily of the “mistakes” you’ve made, and that has the power to block you from your future wardrobe goals. No thanks! It’s a new year, and it’s time for a fresh start!

And if you’re feeling a bit unsure about whether to get rid of an item, use my checklist:

  1. Is it in good condition?
  2. Does it fit well?
  3. Is it on trend

If it ticks no to any of these boxes, it’s time for it to go. If you’re not sure whether it’s still on trend, if you’ve had it for 10 years or more, it’s probably ready to be donated. And if you’re really unsure, take a picture in the mirror of yourself wearing it, and ask the opinion of a friend or family member.

Now I will say this last thing–you may get emotional. For some of you, it could even be quite a painful experience. Going through it all, will remind you of the places you have been, and the different occasions you bought the outfits for, some of which may be linked to some sad memories. Your wardrobe is like a little cupboard of dreams because you had a picture in your mind for each piece. But if it brings about feelings of pain or discomfort, it’s probably even more reason to let it go.

So, forgive yourself for those pieces you wore once (or never!) and let go. And once done, place your hands on each bag and say “To the well-worn, thank you for always being there for me, thank you for the good times. And for not-so-worn, thank you for the lessons, and for the joy you will bring the next person.” And then pack it in a car and drop it off at your local 2nd hand store. Don’t let it sit in the garage, or in the corner of your bedroom, take action, and get it off your property.

And some of you may want to sell the clothing, but ask yourself, “What is my intention here?” To make a few dollars over an extended period of time? Or is my intention to clear out the old energy, and make room for the new–right now? If you feel it’s time to make room for the new, and all the excitement, and success it can bring–then I say get it in the car (or bus) and drop it off at your local 2nd hand store–the store will love you for it, and your clothes will have a completely new lease on life!

If you feel you’re really struggling with the concept of clearing your clutter, a professional coach could help you. Try heading to my Programs page to see how it all works, and if working with a coach is for you.

You’ve got this. It’s time to reclaim your power and do it all with style–you are worthy.

Shan xx


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