YES!! Affirmation’s work. They’re deceptively simple, however, they are a powerful visualisation tool to help you overcome the wealth & success blocks that are holding you back. Everything said out loud, or in our thoughts stimulates a part of the brain called the Reticular Activating System or RAS.
It has been proven, that words or statements that we say to ourselves repeatedly, become a part of our identity, because anything we say over and over to ourselves, creates neural pathways in the brain. And once we understand this, we can actually redirect these pathways, and create new, and more positive ones.
Wealth & success blocks are negative neural pathways in the brain, which are old, engrained habits and self-limiting beliefs, that create thoughts and feelings such as fear, self-doubt and even resignation. These thoughts and feelings can stop you from taking action, or cause you to take actions, which are not in harmony with your goals and desires, blocking you from achieving the wealth & success you desire, and yes–deserve…
**A side note on desire-wanting nice things, does not make you a bad or greedy person. Abundance is your birth right, and any thoughts or people who tell you otherwise, are just imposing their limiting beliefs on to you. If guilt arrives, put it all in perspective by thinking of how much good your goals could bring into the world, and think of all of the good that you would do with all of the abundance that you receive once you’ve achieved them!
Right. Now that we’ve got that out the way
…Neuroscience shows that wealth & success blocks can be rewired through the power of affirmations. To get you started, get your free download of 5 Wealth& Success Affirmations to Begin Your Radical Transformation on the Resources page. Repeat the 5 affirmations to yourself every night before you go to bed, and every morning as you wake up, so that you’re ending your day, and starting your day, with positive thoughts and feeling about your wealth, success and self-image. You want to saturate your mind!
The first important element to note when saying affirmations, is they must start with “I am”. Affirmations may not feel realistic in the beginning, but by saying “I am” statements, you are attracting and creating that state of actual being into your life.
The second super-important key to positive affirmations (which not many people mention), is to actually visualise yourself in the state of each one. C lose your eyes, become still, and imagine how you would feel in that state. You want to create clear pictures in your mind. What things would you see? What sounds would you hear? What scents would you smell? What feelings would you feel? The more you bring them to life, the more powerful they will be.
The third important key to positive affirmations, is to note if any resistance or negative statements come us as you say them. When negative thoughts enter your mind, and tell you that you can’t, or shouldn’t pursue your goal, remember it is just old conditioning trying to keep you safe and contained within what it knows. The negative thoughts aren’t “reason”, they’re just self-limiting beliefs and old thought patterns potentially passed down for generations. This is really important to understand if you’re going to start practising affirmations and manifesting. If this happens, just pause a moment, calmly let the negative thought pass, and with gratitude say your positive affirmation again. I say with gratitude, because potentially for the first time in your life, you are becoming aware that these false voices exist, and that you can actually change them to serve you, instead of pull you down.
Go to the Resources page for a free download of 5 Wealth& Success Affirmations to Begin Your Radical Transformation. If you think you have negative statements which have become wealth &success blocks that are holding you back, and stopping you from achieving your goals and affirmations, try heading to my Programs page to see how it all works, and if working with a coach is for you.
With time, these positive affirmations will become your thoughts, and then your thoughts will become your beliefs–and what you believe, you become. As Muhammad Ali once said, “I am the greatest. I said that before I even knew I was.”
Affirmations are deceptively simple, but they WORK. You can achieve anything you truly believe in.
Shan xx